Meet Deborah Nantongo, socially known as Mami Deb and mostly known for her TV appearances on a reality TV show Kampala Creme has finally introduced her fiance Michael.
The 35 year old entrepreneur has been showing the public the love she is showered by her muzungu boyfriend and fiance now.
This was mostly shown on her social media accounts and on Kampala creme a reality TV show in Uganda.
It was actually on one of the episodes of Kampala Creme that Michael decided to propose to mama Deb.
The Kukyala happed last month and it was very luxurious to the extent that some people thought it was a Kwanjula.
This Kwanjula was not only luxurious, it also surprised social media at the quality of circle of friends that Mama Deb has.
Her entourage has the likes of Mrs. Matovu and Lucy Bunyenyezi who are Kampala socialites. It also had Etania Mutoni who calls her self life of a party among many other Socialites.
We are so happy for MamaDeb and the love she receives because she had seen it worse in her first marriage.
After returning from the UK to start a family, she got married, gave birth to two children but the relationship ended bitterly only for her to return back to the UK.
Fate had other plans for Mami Deb when she met her ‘muzungu’ partner only identified as Michael, who fell deeply in love with Uganda, the Pearl of Africa.
Determined to savor the richness of the continent, they decided to make Uganda their home.
Returning to Uganda, Mami Deb decided to focus on her passion projects – Boujee, her flourishing clothing store, and poultry farming.
She has now added to her goals of returning to Uganda- having a wonderful family that she is yet to start with Micheal
We wish them the very best.